How Jack-o’-Lanterns Keep the Tricksy Spirits Away

Interactive Kids Story Parts:

  • When the child comes to the door, you pretend to knock on a door
  • When Jack opens the door, you shout “Trick or Treat!”
  • When Jack raises his lantern, you pretend to raise a lantern and look in their eyes

Story Script

This is the story of Jack of the Lanterns. He lived a long time ago and was able to tell the difference between good little children and tricksy little fairies.

On the night of Samhain Eve kids used to come to the door and ask for blessings. Jack was one of the few people who could tell the difference between a good little children and the tricky little fairies. He did this by raising his lantern high up in the air, and looking them in the face.

On this Samhain Eve, a long time ago, he waited for the kids to come to the door.

The first who came to the door was a little girl. Knock knock knock! And when Jack opened the door the little girl shouted “Trick or Treat!” Jack raised his lantern and looked her in the face very carefully, and declared “You are a sweet human girl. I will give you a treat.” And so he did, and off the little girl went.

The second who came to the door was a little boy. Knock knock knock! And when Jack opened the door the little boy shouted “Trick or Treat!” Jack raised his lantern and looked him in the face very carefully, and declared “You are a sweet human boy. I will give you a treat.” And so he did, and off the little boy went.

The third who came to the door was a little child. Knock knock knock! And when Jack opened the door the little child shouted “Trick or Treat!” Jack raised his lantern and looked them in the face very carefully, and declared “You are a sweet human child. I will give you a treat.” And so he did, and off the little child went.

The last who came to the door was a little fairie child. Knock knock knock! And when Jack opened the door the little fairy child shouted “Trick or Treat!” Jack raised his lantern and looked them in the face very carefully, and declared “You are a tricksy fairie child. You just want to give me tricks!” And the fairie child laughed and said “Can I come in your house?” And Jack knew that if he let the fairie in he would never be able to get rid of them, and they would invite all their friends and play tricks on him until Beltane. So he shouted “No, I don’t invite you in! Begone!” And the little fairie child giggled and ran off to the next house to try again.

And now, even though Jack is gone, we still can use his knowledge and his power to keep the ferries out. This is why we carve Jack-o’-Lanterns for Samhain Eve. The Jack-o’-Lantern can tell the difference between little human children and a little fairy children. The Jack-o’-Lanterns make sure that only the little human children can come to our door, and we don’t let fairies into our houses.

The End!

(This post was originally made on Patreon.  Become a supporter here.)

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